Monday, August 11, 2008

Muffin's First Notice

My dog Muffin was recently taken to the vet because she was using the bathroom right in front of me. She is a smart little cookie that absolutly wouldn't have the guts to do that. Then I said, " I could get a specemin and take her to the vet. " So then we took her to the vet, and they gave her some pills, and when they were gone, if she was doing better than it was just a bladder infection.

Margaret, Muffin & jack


Margaret said...

Jack said, " Aww Muffin is sick. "

Ancil said...

Hey, Margaret!

I am glad your little Muffin is going to be okay. She sure is a cute little dog!

I am using my husband's identity so I wouldn't have to set up one.