Tuesday, July 7, 2009


On july 4, later that night, ned almost drounnded! :~o

He was in the bath tub with jack and travis stepped into the kitchen for a minute like always except this time when he came back............................. Ned was face foward in the water so then they did C.P.R and they called 911. They got him breathing again and the put him in the ICU at Charrolote.

Now they did an X-ray on his lungs and saw there was a little water in them and the cant facuume his lungs out because it is so stickie but they are vacuuming when the can!

He is doing a lot better and his lungs are expanding but the think there is a little bit of inflamation but he is doing very good! he s stable but he needs a little more healing time!

In his love and image, margaret and muffin